How to upgrade Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm

How to upgrade Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm


Testbed scheme:


The overall steps to upgrade Kubernetes cluster are:

  • Upgrade all nodes from v1.23.0 --> v1.24.1 To see the latest kubeadm releases go to
  • Upgrade Kubernetes control plane
  • Upgrade worker nodes

Kubernetes control plane upgrade (control node):

  1. To upgrade the control node first we need to drain the node:
    kubectl drain [node_name] --ignore-daemonsets
  2. Upgrade the kubeadm (v1.23.0 --> v1.24.1):
    sudo apt-get update && \
    sudo apt-get install -y --allow-change-held-packages kubeadm=1.24.1-00
  3. Check the kubeadm version:
    kubeadm version
  4. To update the Kubernetes control plane internal components use:
    sudo kubeadm upgrade plan v1.24.1
    You should see the following message:
  5. Now apply the upgrade:
    sudo kubeadm upgrade apply v1.24.1
    You should see the following message:
  6. Upgrade kubelet and kubectl packages:
    sudo apt-get update && \
    sudo apt-get install -y --allow-change-held-packages kubelet=1.24.1-00 kubectl=1.24.1-00
  7. Reload the daemon:
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  8. Restart the kubelet:
    sudo systemctl restart kubelet
  9. After an upgrade made you can now uncordon the node and back the workload to the node again:
    kubectl uncordon [control_node_name]
  10. Check the upgrade with the following command:
    kubectl get nodes
    You now should see that control node is upgraded to version 1.24.1:

Worker nodes upgrade :

  1. Now drain the worker node (control node):
    kubectl drain [worker_node_name] --ignore-daemonsets --force
    ATTENTION: --force flag is dangerous as it will evict all standalone pods not controlled by Kubernetes controller objects
  2. Now log into your drained worker node and upgrade the kubeadm:
    sudo apt-get update && \
    sudo apt-get install -y --allow-change-held-packages kubeadm=1.24.1-00
  3. Now upgrade the node:
    sudo kubeadm upgrade node
  4. Upgrade the kubelet and kubectl packages:
    sudo apt-get update && \
    sudo apt-get install -y --allow-change-held-packages kubelet=1.24.1-00 kubectl=1.24.1-00
  5. Reload the daemon:
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  6. Restart the kubelet:
    sudo systemctl restart kubelet
  7. Now go back to the control node and uncordon the worker node:
    kubectl uncordon [worker_node_name]
  8. Check if worker node is upgraded:
    kubectl get nodes
    You should see the following:
  9. Repeat the same process for the rest of worker nodes


  1. Node draining is the mechanism that allows users to gracefully move all containers from one node to the other ones.
  2. A DaemonSet ensures that all eligible nodes run a copy of a Pod. Normally, the node that a Pod runs on is selected by the Kubernetes scheduler. However, DaemonSet pods are created and scheduled by the DaemonSet controller instead.
  3. --allow-change-held-packages - overwrites the hold status from kubeadm package. Hold status prevents any upgrades of the package
  4. systemctl is a Linux command-line utility used to control and manage systemd and services. You can think of Systemctl as a control interface for Systemd init service, allowing you to communicate with systemd and perform operations. Systemctl is a successor of Init.


  1. Safely Drain a Node
  2. How Daemon Pods are scheduled
  3. What is systemctl?